Solutions Always Simple has been an integral part of shaping careers and affecting futures. Take a look at what some of our clients are saying about their experiences.

Training Workshops

“I enjoyed the presenter and will definitely use the tips she gave me for my interview tomorrow!”   — L. Vickers

“I would recommend this program to anyone! This course was really helpful and Ms. Merrick was a great instructor.”  — H. Meskele

“Thanks for allowing me to be a part of this workshop. It was a wonderful experience.” — S. William

“Confident speaker with great voice projection. Ms. Merrick knew her material and presented clearly.” — E. A.

“Thank you for presenting and giving the useful information!” — J. Sandifer

Human Resource Management

“Mrs Merrick was clear and answered all my questions. She gave great information for future help.”  — R. Watson

“The speaker was very informative, answered all my questions.” — M. Reed

“I appreciate the way she get in contact with the audience.” — K. Clements

“The fact the speaker really took time and explained human resources, she made it simple to understand.” — E. Abdella

“Mrs Merrick was very nice and personable. She was knowledgable about her profession.”— C. Young